Following this SO answer, I'm trying to get the Ember Simple Auth session with container.lookup('simple-auth-session:main');
but this gives me undefined.
I'm using Ember Cli and the Ember Simple Auth Devise authenticator.
@marcoow's comment above worked like a charm. He pointed me to this example
FIRST: add an initializer registering the custom session
name: 'authentication'
before: 'simple-auth'
initialize: (container, application) ->
container.register('session:custom', App.CustomSession)
SECOND: replace the session with your custom session
window.ENV['simple-auth'] = {
session: 'session:custom'
THIRD: define the custom session
App.CustomSession = SimpleAuth.Session.extends(
currentUser: (->
unless Ember.isEmpty(@user_id)
@container.lookup('session:main').load('user', @user_id)
//Note! I'm using Ember Persistence Foundation, therefore 'session:main',
//but if you're using Ember Data, use 'store:main'