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How to append an "checkbox" into dialog by using pywin32

I met an problem here.
I could successfully create an dialog and add an button by code below,
because I know the constant "128" is the control "button" by exsiting example
but I do not know which one can be used for "checkbox" or "radiobutton"?

import win32ui
import win32api
import win32con
from pywin.mfc import dialog

# Window frame and title
dlg = [ [title, (0, 0, 300, 392), style, None, (8, "MS Sans Serif")], ]
dlg.append([128, u"Output", IDC_BTN_OUTPUT, (142,56,50,14), win32con.BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON])


  • According to the source code and the documentation, the dialog template here is a list whose first item is a PyDLGTEMPLATE instance followed by a series of PyDLGITEMTEMPLATE instances.

    The documentation says this about the first member of the PyDLGITEMTEMPALTE structure:

    [0] string/int : windowClass

    The window class. If not a string, it must be in integer defining one of the built-in Windows controls. If a string, it must be a pre-registered windows class name, a built-in class, or the CLSID of an OLE controls. Built-in classes include:

    Control Type    String Class Name
    Check Box       Button
    Combo Box       ComboBox
    Command Button  Button
    Header          SysHeader32
    Label           Static
    List Box        ListBox
    Option Button   Button
    Tab             SysTabControl32
    Text Box        Edit
    Tool Bar        ToolbarWindow32
    Tool Tips       tooltips_class32
    Tree View       SysTreeView32

    The built-in windows controls are:

    Integer Value    Window Type
    0x0080           Button
    0x0081           Edit
    0x0082           Static
    0x0083           List box
    0x0084           Scroll bar
    0x0085           Combo box

    So while you could use the integer constant 0x85 (or 133 decimal), I'd strongly recommend you use the string class name 'ComboBox' instead. These string names are, unsurprisingly, the same as the built-in Windows class names documented on MSDN.