I devised the regular expression (see fiddle) /(\+|0|\()[\d()\s-]{6,20}\d/g
to match phone numbers in the formats below.
is to match + or 0 or ( in the first place
is to match digits, brackets, spaces, hyphens in between
is to match a digit in the last place
+43 543 765 5434
0043 543 765 5434
0543 765 5434
+43 (0)543 765 5434
Unfortunately this regex also matches numbers with linebreaks in between, like
654 416 4444" or
I therefore thought of replacing \s
in the regex with [^\S\r\n]
to match
whitespaces but not linebreaks but couldn't get it to work?
Also it would be nice to apply{6,20}
to the whole regex, not
just the [\d()\s-]
-part please? I imagine something like /((\+|0|\()[\d()\s-]\d){6,20}/g
, i.e. the whole matched phone number should not be shorter than 6 and not longer than 20 characters, including the + | 0 | ( in the first place and the last digit.
Thank you!
means: match any whitespace character. just replace it with a simple white space ' '
/(\+|0|\()[\d() -]{6,20}\d/g
see this demo