Im setting an MVC application with Extjs 4.2 that has a chat support for my client. FOr this I'm using ExtJS Websocket and I followed the tutorial from this but I could seem to work to broadcast a message to all connected client on different browsers. Here are my codes: = Ext.create('Ext.ux.WebSocket', {
url : 'ws://localhost:6966',
autoReconnect : true,
autoReconnectInterval : 1000,
keepUnsentMessages : true,
listeners : {
open : function(ws) {
ws.send('notify', {
'message' : 'Connected to server!',
'id' : '123456'
message : function(ws, data) {
var data = Ext.decode(data);
close : function(ws) {
var panel = Ext.getCmp('panel' + ws.url);
if ((panel != null) || (panel != undefined)) {
});'notify', function(data) {
Ext.get('chat-history').dom.innerHTML += '> ' + data.msg + '<br/>';
And I use this to send/broadcast messages:
var data = {
id : '123456',
msg : 'sample message'
Ext.ux.WebSocketManager.broadcast('notify', data);
You could try out this this link.
You need NodeJS and NPM.
Then, install every dependencies:
$ npm install
Open a websocket for each port you want:
$ node demo/server.js 9001 9002 9003
Then connect your client using your code you posted.