I'm using the Typo3 Formhandler extension to build a simple reaction form. The form works correctly only the error response is in English and not translated. By typoscript I included a languest file.
langFile = fileadmin/templates/sandraverdijck/lang/newsletter.xml
The languest file includes the Dutch translation, see file below.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<data type="array">
<languageKey index="default" type="array">
<label index="error_sender_name_required">Naam is verplicht</label>
<label index="error_sender_email_required">Email is verplicht</label>
<label index="error_sender_email_email">Email is niet correct ingevult</label>
The response is still in English like "Your name is missing", I don't know where it gets this from and why it is not using the text from the languest file? When I don't include the languest file I get an error so the file is used. Anyone some idee?
Your language key is default. Is Dutch the default language of the website? Are you setting the language through
config.language = dk
? If so, try using the according language code in the XML file:
<languageKey index="dk" type="array">