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Formhandler error message is not translated

I'm using the Typo3 Formhandler extension to build a simple reaction form. The form works correctly only the error response is in English and not translated. By typoscript I included a languest file.

langFile = fileadmin/templates/sandraverdijck/lang/newsletter.xml

The languest file includes the Dutch translation, see file below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
 <data type="array">
  <languageKey index="default" type="array">

   <label index="error_sender_name_required">Naam is verplicht</label>

   <label index="error_sender_email_required">Email is verplicht</label>
   <label index="error_sender_email_email">Email is niet correct ingevult</label>

The response is still in English like "Your name is missing", I don't know where it gets this from and why it is not using the text from the languest file? When I don't include the languest file I get an error so the file is used. Anyone some idee?


  • Your language key is default. Is Dutch the default language of the website? Are you setting the language through

    config.language = dk

    ? If so, try using the according language code in the XML file:

    <languageKey index="dk" type="array">