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Restler custom URL routing not working

In my REST API I have Work associated with an Order, so using Restler (3.0.0-RC6) I created this method:

class Orders {
     * Get completed work for order
     * @param int $id The SQL identifier of the order
     * @return array {@type Work}
     * @url GET orders/{id}/works
     function getCompletedWork($id) {

So now I go to my url and enter ..../index.php/orders/1/works and I get back a 404 from Routes.php:436 at route stage

What am I doing wrong?


  • Custom routes are also mapped along with the name of the class unless we provide an empty string as the second parameter while adding the Api class


    So your example above is actually mapped to orders/orders/{id}/works. You can fix with

    class Orders {
         * Get completed work for order
         * @param int $id The SQL identifier of the order
         * @return array {@type Work}
         * @url GET {id}/works
         function getCompletedWork($id) {