i try to install Colorbox on Drupal, but i have some problems. So Drupal doesn't see colorbox library in sites/all/modules/librares
folder. I have all files in sites/all/modules/librares/colorbox. I read in Internet one solution and move JS files to new colorbox folder and JS files now in sites/all/modules/librares/colorbox/colorbox
folder. It's not working too.
I install clear Drupal, next install Libraries module, copy Colorbox library and install Colorbox module, but i still have
The Colorbox plugin library could not be found. You need to download the Colorbox plugin, extract the archive and place the colorbox directory in the sites/all/libraries directory on your server. Yes, i try create another colorbox folder in colorbox folder and move JS files but it's not working.
Please, anyone can help me with this problem?
You need to download colorbox plugin inside the folder sites/all/libraries
Which means that the jquery.colorbox.js
file path should be sites/all/libraries/colorbox/jquery.colorbox.js