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Async Tests are not working with protractor

I am trying to call done() for async tests but that is not working, i am getting 'undefined is not a function' error.

describe('Login screen tests', function () {
  var ptor = protractor.getInstance();
    console.log('In before Each method');

  it('Blank Username & Password test', function(done) {
    var message = ptor.findElement(protractor.By.repeater('message in messages'));
      message.getText().then(function(text) {
        console.log("Message shown:"+text);
        expect(message.getText()).toContain('Username or Password can\'t be blank');

I tried to google around, and found that there might be some issue with jasmine, but i am still unable to resolve this. Because the error seems to be really unexpected. Any help would be appreciated.


  • Are you sure you're getting undefined is not a function in line done() ?

    I think your problem is here: ptor.findElement(protractor.By.repeater('message in messages')) because by then your clearly are on an Angular page so, regarding webdriver's findElement for a repeater: you should not be doing that.

    Anyway, I would do 2 things:

    1. Upgrade Protractor to latest
    2. Rewrite the whole test like below since calling done() here is not required at all.


    describe('Login screen tests', function () {
      // Page Objects. TODO: Extract to separate module file.
      var submitBtnElm = $('#submit');
      var messagesRepElms = element.all(by.repeater('message in messages'));
      describe('Blank Username & Password test', function() {
        // Moved login get out of beforeEach since you need to get it once
        it('Opens an Angular login page', function() {
        it('Clicks submit btn without entering required fields', function() {
        it('Should trigger validation errors', function() {
            toContain('Username or Password can\'t be blank');