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Subclassing NSObject in Swift - Best Practice with Initializers

Here is the layout of an example Class, can someone guide me on what's best practice when creating a subclass of NSObject?

class MyClass: NSObject {

    var someProperty: NSString! = nil

    override init() {
        self.someProperty = "John"

    init(fromString string: NSString) {
        self.someProperty = string


Is this correct, am I following best practice here?

I wonder if I'm correctly setting up the initializers (one that sets the string to a default, and one which I can pass in a string)?

Should I call super.init() at the end of each of the initializers?

Should my more specific (the one that takes a string) initializer simply call self.init() at the end rather than super.init()?

What is the right way to set up the initializers in Swift when subclassing NSObject? - and how should I call the super init ?

This question (albeit in Objective C) suggests you should have an init, which you always call and simply set the properties in more specific inits: Objective-C Multiple Initialisers


  • I'm not Swift ninja but I would write MyClass as:

    class MyClass: NSObject {
        var someProperty: NSString // no need (!). It will be initialised from controller 
        init(fromString string: NSString) {
            self.someProperty = string
            super.init() // can actually be omitted in this example because will happen automatically.
        convenience override init() {
            self.init(fromString:"John") // calls above mentioned controller with default name

    See the initialization section of the documentation