I'm implementing a distributed application, server with rails and mobile clients in objective c (iPhone). To enable internationalization, I use the rails plugin 'globalize2' by joshmh.
However, it turned out that this plugin does not translate attributes when calling to_xml or to_json on an ActiveRecord. Does anyone know of a workaround / patch? Do you have any ideas how to fix this, where to alter globalize2?
Using: Rails 2.3.5 globalize2: commit from 2010-01-11
With Globalize2 (and with model_translations as well) translated attribute in a model is not a real attribute but is a method. Thus and so when you execute to_json method you can use :methods, as Joris suggested, but in a simpler way:
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :title, :text
translates :title, :text
class PostsController < ApplicationController
def index
@posts = Post.all
respond_to do |format|
format.json { render :json => { :posts => @posts.to_json(:only => :id, :methods => :title) }}
Here I would like to receive only post id and title in json response. For additional information see to_json (Serialization) in Rails API.