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Laravel - Union + Paginate at the same time?


I am trying to union 2 tables recipes and posts then add ->paginate(5) to the queries.

But for some reason I get this error:

Cardinality violation: 1222 The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns (SQL: (select count(*) as aggregate from posts


$recipes = DB::table("recipes")->select("id", "title", "user_id", "description", "created_at")
                    ->where("user_id", "=", $id);

$items = DB::table("posts")->select("id", "title", "user_id", "content", "created_at")
                ->where("user_id", "=", $id)

Am i doing something wrong?

Without ->paginate(5) the query works fine.


  • You're right, pagination cause problem. Right now, you can create a view and query the view instead of the actual tables, or create your Paginator manually:

    $page = Input::get('page', 1);
    $paginate = 5;
    $recipes = DB::table("recipes")->select("id", "title", "user_id", "description", "created_at")
                ->where("user_id", "=", $id);
    $items = DB::table("posts")->select("id", "title", "user_id", "content", "created_at")
                ->where("user_id", "=", $id)
    $slice = array_slice($items->toArray(), $paginate * ($page - 1), $paginate);
    $result = Paginator::make($slice, count($items), $paginate);
    return View::make('yourView',compact('result'));