I am trying to set up Google Play licensing with my app. I have followed the documentation precisely, yet I still can't get it to work:
the LVL library is the latest version available in SDK Manager
I copied the license check implementation exactly from the sample app
I copied the BASE64 key of my app from "Services and APIs" in Google Play to the BASE64_PUBLIC_KEY field and made sure countless times it was copied correctly, contained no white spaces
I uploaded the app to Google Play as alfa, also tried uploading it as beta and production draft
I tried running the same compilation of the app both signed with a debug key and the key with which I signed it for Google Play(the exact same apk)
I tried setting different static test responses on Google Play
Every time I run the app on any device where I'm logged to my developer account, I always get NOT_MARKET_MANAGED error. I've read through countless forums but none of the answers helped. What else can I do?
I had the same issue and I found this note on developer.android.com:
Note: Previously you could test an app by uploading an unpublished "draft" version. This functionality is no longer supported; instead, you must publish it to the alpha or beta distribution channel. For more information, see Draft Apps are No Longer Supported.
Here's what I did:
Next day my app started to receive responses according to my "Licence testing" setting in the developer console.