I'm reading on MIPS processors, I try to understand wow they get the logic equation (scheme or second picture) from this truth table
for example for ALU0, I understant the x meaning and understand how they get this small table :
ALUOp | Funct || ALU
1 0 | 5 4 3 2 1 0 || 2 1 0
1 x | x x 0 1 0 1 || 0 0 1
1 x | x x 1 0 1 0 || 1 1 1
but now, the question is : how did they get this logic equation ALU i ??? :
ALU 0 = ALUOp1 (F0 + F3)
ALU 1= UALOp1\ + F2\
ALU 2 = ALUOp0 + ALUOp1.F1
truth table
You can do the logic by your eyes: