I'm using hstore for project and I have a migration file:
class CreateShippingCategories < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
create_table :shipping_categories do |t|
t.string :name
t.hstore :size
t.integer :price_transport
t.integer :price_storage
By default I have 4 types of categories and I decided to create them in seeds.rb file like this:
shipping_categories = [
[ "Small", {L: 40, B: 30, H: 22}, 700, 100],
[ "Medium", {L: 60, B: 40, H: 32}, 900, 400],
[ "Large", {L: 60, B: 52, H: 140}],
[ "XX Large", {L: 200, B: 50, H: 200}]
shipping_categories.each do |name, size, price_transport, price_storage|
ShippingCategory.where(name: name, size: size, price_transport: price_transport, price_storage: price_storage).first_or_create
But when I try to run rake db:seed I get this error:
rake aborted!
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "size"
LINE 1: ... WHERE "shipping_categories"."name" = 'Small' AND "size"."L"...
: SELECT "shipping_categories".* FROM "shipping_categories" WHERE "shipping_categories"."name" = 'Small' AND "size"."L" = 40 AND "shipping_categories"."price_transport" = 700 AND "shipping_categories"."price_storage" = 100 ORDER BY "shipping_categories"."id" ASC LIMIT 1
Does anyone have any ideas how to solve this issue?
The problem is the way you are querying in the find
part of the find_or_create
. I suspect what you are trying to do is only create the ShippingCategory
if it doesn't exist. Is the name unique? If so you could do:
create_with(name: name, size: size, price_transport: price_transport,
price_storage: price_storage).
find_or_create_by(name: name)
Refer to the documentation of find_or_create_by for more info.