I thought this was a javascript problem but I'm not sure.
Say I have an object like this
var foo = {
foo1: 'name',
foo2: 'name2'
and when I make a post call with this in angular in the console the post body shows
{foo1: 'name', foo2: 'name2'}
Great, that's all great.
In my backend though let's say the request body needs to be:
{type: {foo1: 'name', foo2: 'name2'}}
Okay, so in angular, I have that type key in $scope.type and the foo object in $scope.foo
I tried to achieve this by just going
$scope.foo = {$scope.type:$scope.foo};
That didn't work, it just said that the '.' in $scope.type wasn't allowed.
So then I tried setting a var type = $scope.type then put
$scope.foo = {type: $scope.foo};
which worked except the response post was the word 'type' and not the actual value itself. What's going on here? why can't I prepend the key $scope.type to my foo object?
You cannot use dynamic values in an objects braces for the name type. Instead you should do something like this:
var obj = {};
obj[$scope.type] = $scope.foo;
$scope.foo = obj;