I'm writing a simple script to prevent my computer from falling asleep (don't have admin privileges), and it centers around an infinite loop caused by a "while True" line:
import time, win32api
cursorX = 0
cursorY = 0
while True:
cursorX, cursorY = win32api.GetCursorPos()
cursorX = cursorX + 10
cursorX, cursorY = win32api.GetCursorPos()
cursorX = cursorX - 10
Now, I can interrupt this with a simple Ctrl + C, but I'd like to kill it more cleanly than that. Is there a simple way to write a condition to wait for a key press to kill the loop? I'm guessing it might involve an event, about which I know little.
A way to clean up the use of CTRL-C is to use try-except to catch the KeyboardInterrupt like:
while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt: