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Find if imaged OS had been installed from software copied with the os image

Can we find if our software has been copied in an OS image (windows) and then deployed in another machine. The hardware details do change but it may be due to hardware upgrade or change.

Is there anything at software level which indicates that the OS image has been installed.

P.S the OS install date doesnt change after image deployment.It shows the date of original OS installation date and time and not that of the imaged one.

For example i tried to detect this using service tag,uuid and os install date changes . I thought the hardware and software details combined would result in correct detection. But the os install date dint change and hardware details changed or showed junk value during hardware upgrade . My software will be installed in the os . Then OS will be imaged. I want to detect the imaged installation


  • If your software is connected to the Internet this is relatively easy to solve. You arrange to 'call home': send occasional packets to a known server address containing enough information to identify the instance.

    For this purpose UDP packets serve quite well. You include information about the build of your software, the operating system it is running on, some simple hardware details such as how much memory and disk, the IP address and the MAC address. From the packets logged by your server you will easily be able to tell an original instance from a clone, or an original with updated hardware in almost every instance. You may also be able to obtain highly distinctive information by a detailed inspection of hardware if you have sufficient privilege.

    Please note that Windows does exactly this. If an activated copy is found running on a machine that is sufficiently different then it must be re-activated. The definition of 'sufficiently different' is not made public.

    Just to be clear, what I'm describing is a heuristic, not an algorithm. I'll assume the original installation creates a GUID, and that a clone carries the same GUID. When you receive packets from installations with the same GUID containing enough information, in practice you will be able to tell the original from the clone in virtually every case. Two clones may start identical but very soon something will diverge: a network IP address, disk free space, active devices.

    This may not fill all the requirements of the original question but it will work (it already does) and it's better than nothing.