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Display text with WebGL

I want to display text with WebGL, and I know that there is not a built in way to do this. However, I know it can be done, with textures. I am new to OpenGL, so I don't really have much experience with shaders, so if someone could add how to set up the shaders for this. I would like to draw the entire string on the same object, instead of a bunch of seperate letters, and the strings are NOT preset, they will not always be the same. How can I get the text to appear? Also, how do I know how to space each letter?

I read post #7 at this page, and that sounds like it's what I want to do, but I don't understand exactly what It all means. (It's mostly the shader stuff I don't understand).

By the way, I am using sylvester.js


  • There are many ways to render text but one of the simplest is called bitmap font rendering.

    All you need to get started is a sprite sheet with all of the letters you might want to render. Then you simply render a quad with the texture coordinates set to the location of the character you want to draw. To render a full sentence, just draw a bunch of quads, each representing a single letter.

    Your sprite sheet will look something like the following texture.

    glyph atlas

    Once you have that, you'll need the texture coordinates, essentially (x, y) coordinates in the range 0 to 1, for each character in the sprite texture. Use these when generating quad meshes. You'll end up drawing something like this to the screen:


    Now that you have text on the screen, you can get fancy and take into account the glyph kerning between the letters. This allows you to render more natural text.


    Unfortunately, I can't find a tutorial to point you to. And its not really something that I can whip together for you here. There are many pieces to the puzzle and its no small task (matrix math, camera's, orthographic projection, texture coords, textures, sprites, generating meshes, etc...).

    If you'd like you can look through one of my projects where I have done this with WebGL. I even generate the initial sprite sheet using javascript + 2d canvas.

    Sprite Sheet generated here:

    Quad Mesh generated in this file:

    Wrapper around WebGL:

    Or You Could

    Watch Notch (the guy who made Minecraft) do this, in only about 30 minutes, in Java (fast forward to 2:21 hours in):

    Good luck, and have fun :)