Our IT intern made a boo-boo on our source control server and decided to fix it by reverting the server to a vm snapshot made several hours ago. He neglected to mention until I informed our IT staff that we were having problems checking out and committing code; apparently it did not occur to him that there would be a problem with reverting the server if we'd been committing code all day.
What's the quickest, safest way to get our revisions back into source control? Version numbers are all screwed up now, and our CI server has come to a screeching, smoking halt.
You haven't any ways (if you haven't intermediate backups of FS or repository dumps or repo-mirrors)
Because for any CVCS (Subversion is CVCS (Centralized Version Control System)) full repository history stored in single central place, you can't restore killed history from developers Working Copy - you can only have new commits (with some tricks) with vanilla revisions of working copies and current state of working copies (if local modifications exist)