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Html.Action in a shared partial view tying into a shared controller how to route

I have a controller in the shared path


that a partial view is talking to


All is good except when I try to make a @Html.Action link that gets to that shared controller:

  @Html.Action("MethodName", new { Area = "Whatever", Controller = "Blah" });

works of course but finds the controller in


which is NOT what I want.

  @Html.Action("MethodName", new { Area = "", Controller = "Blah" });

does not work either.

  @Html.Action("MethodName", new {Controller = "Blah" });

does not work either.

Anybody know the right way to get the @Html.Action to route to the controller in the root i.e.


instead of the current area?


  • I believe you want this overload of the Html Helper

    public static MvcHtmlString Action(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string actionName, string controllerName, object routeValues);

    So using your example, you would have:

    @Html.Action( "MethodName", "Blah", new { Area = "" });