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phalconphp custom functions in volt doesn't work

I have a problem with accessing variables in my custom function.

My code is:

{{ myFunction(variableFromController) }}

And PHP:

   $arg = $compiler->expression($exprArgs[0]['expr']); $lang = $di->get('lang');
   echo $lang->translate($arg);

Problem is that compiler will return variable as string "$variableFromController". What I'm doing wrong?


  • Volt (or other engine) is just some kind of additional layer over PHP so any functions that you are adding to compiler are more like a shortcuts. They are not "doing" something by themselves. They are just printing part of code that will be excuted later.

    In other words, this is bad:

       // do stuff with $value
       return $someClass->someMethod($value);

    And this is good:

       $arg = $compiler->expression($exprArgs[0]['expr']); $lang = $di->get('lang');
       return '\\My\\Class::staticMethod('.$arg.', '.$lang.')';
