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MySQL Nesting Relations

I use backbone and need to nest Answers in Questions and Questions in Categories. My problem is the data I get from MySQL.

I would like to have an array I can easily use with backbone, starting at the top (Category) and nest down to the bottom (Answers).

[Category1: [Question1: [Answer1: {...} ] ] ]

I use the following query to get all my MySQL data:

var getRecord = function(callback) {
  var options = {
    sql: 'SELECT * FROM Categories ' +
         'LEFT JOIN Questions ON Categories.idCategories = Questions.idCategory ' +
         'LEFT JOIN Answers ON Questions.idQuestions = Answers.idQuestion ',
    nestTables: true
  }, function(err, result) {
    if (err)
      return callback(err, null)

    outcome.record = result
    return callback(null, 'done')

And the output looks something like this:

   0: [CategoryObj, QuestionObj, AnswerObj]
   1: ...

The MySQL Node Package does not nest 1:n relations, instead it creates an array with the length of most matches, so in the case I have 2 Categories, with each two Questions, with each two Answers -> Array length of 8, because I have 8 Answers in total. But I cannot nest this array, in backbone collections without writing crazy loops and hacks.

Am I doing something wrong in the query or is there a packages that does the parsing job?

(I'm used to MongoDB (using embedded documents was quite easy) and now I have to use MySQL for this project..)

This is the MySQL Node Package on npm


  • I ended up parsing it myself. For some reason I was not able to find a well working ORM helper, that could do this job for me. Anyway I tried to avoid this solution, but here you go if you have the same problem one day this might help.

    var async = require('async')
    var getAnswers = function (id, callback) {'SELECT * FROM Answers WHERE idQuestion LIKE ?', [id], function(err, result) {
        if (err)
          return callback(err, null)
        return callback(null, result)
    var getQuestions = function (id, callback) {'SELECT * FROM Questions WHERE idCategory LIKE ?', [id], function(err, result) {
        if (err)
          return callback(err, null)
        // Pair answers to questions
        async.times(result.length, function(n, next) {
          getAnswers(result[n].idQuestions, function (err, answers) {
            result[n].answers = answers
            next(err, result[n])
        }, function(err, questions) {
          callback(null, questions)
    var getRecord = function(callback) {'SELECT * FROM Categories', function(err, result) {
        if (err)
          return callback(err, null)
        // Pair questions to categories
        async.times(result.length, function(n, next) {
          getQuestions(result[n].idCategories, function (err, questions) {
            result[n].questions = questions
            next(err, result[n])
        }, function(err, final) {
          callback(null, final)
    var asyncFinally = function(err, results) {
      if (err)
        return next(err)
      // we call results[0] because async.times leaves all the categories in there..
      // sendSomewhere( results[0] )
    async.parallel([getRecord], asyncFinally)