How would i create an array in RubyMotion and then display a total of every number in the array.
For example - Array[1..20] I want to display a total of 1+2+3+4+5+6....up to and including 20. So the total in this case would be 210.
I'm sure this is fairly straight forward but I am relatively new to RubyMotion and arrays bend my minuscule brain.
Cheers for any help
With a loop:
numberArray = [1, 2, 3, 4]
total = 0
numberArray.each do |number|
total += number
Where the += operator means:
x += y
is equal to
x = x + y
Edit :
def getSum(my_array)
total = 0
my_array.each do |number|
total += number
numberArr = [1,2,3,4]
total = getSum(numberArr)
label.text = "#{total}"
I cannot test right now, but it should work.