I have a strict pre-commit hook set up with flake8, so I can't commit until its happy. This is normally a good thing, but it is causing some problems with what seems like no problem at all.
I can't get Flake8 to recognize a FileNotFoundError
except FileNotFoundError:
This is enough code to get Flake8 to generate the error
$ flake8 example.py
example.py:3:8: F821 undefined name 'FileNotFoundError'
$ python example.py # no error
$ python3 example.py # no error
I checked the python docs, and FileNotFoundError is a 'built-in' exception, so I don't think I should have to import it from anywhere, and my python interpreters have not complained about it, just seems like an issue with flake8.
Running python 2.7.8
I get the follwoing:
except FileNotFoundError:
NameError: name 'FileNotFoundError' is not defined
If I change to OSError
it works correctly on python 3
except OSError:
FileNotFoundError is a subclass of OSError
in python3
Using OSError
will catch more than just the FileNotFound
error in python 3 so you may want to add additional checks.
For python 2
it is an IOError
You can catch the specific error:
import __builtin__
exc = getattr(__builtin__,"IOError","FileNotFoundError")
except exc:
Sure there are betters ways but for python 3:
f = (open("bad_file"))
except OSError as e:
if isinstance(e, FileNotFoundError):
raise e