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Not able to get Biztalk host instance status using Powershell

I am using the below script to get the host instances state from a remote server in the same domain.

    $servers = ("usxxxxxxx01")

 function checkhostinstancestatusstarted ($server)

$hostinstances = get-wmiobject MSBTS_HostInstance -namespace 'root\MicrosoftBizTalkServer'  | where {$_.runningserver -match $server -AND $_.hosttype -ne "2" -and $_.IsDisabled -ne    "True"}

write-host "Checking the state of all host instances on the server $server"

foreach ($hostinstance in $hostinstances)
    $HostInstanceName = $HostInstance.hostname

    #Checks the host instance state
    if ($HostInstance.ServiceState -eq 1)
        write-host "$HostInstanceName`: Stopped."
    elseif ($HostInstance.ServiceState -eq 2)
        write-host "$HostInstanceName`: Start pending."
    elseif ($HostInstance.ServiceState -eq 3)
        write-host "$HostInstanceName`: Stop pending."
    elseif ($HostInstance.ServiceState -eq 4)
        write-host "$HostInstanceName`: Started."
    elseif ($HostInstance.ServiceState -eq 5)
        write-host "$HostInstanceName`: Continue pending."
    elseif ($HostInstance.ServiceState -eq 6)
        write-host "$HostInstanceName`: Pause pending."
    elseif ($HostInstance.ServiceState -eq 7)
        write-host "$HostInstanceName`: Paused."
    elseif ($HostInstance.ServiceState -eq 8)
        write-host "$HostInstanceName`: Unknown."
write-host `n    

foreach ($server in $servers)
checkhostinstancestatusstarted $server 

I am getting this exception. But BizTalk is configured in the server and host instances are in running status.

Get-WmiObject : The server has not been configured. To configure the server, run the BizTalk Server Configuration wizard and configure the Group feature. At line:10 char:3 + Get-WmiObject -Class "MSBTS_HostInstance" -Namespace 'root\MicrosoftBizTalkSer ... + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [Get-WmiObject], COMException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : GetWMICOMException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetWmiObjectCommand

Anyone knows what the issue is? Or if you have a better version of the script, that ll be helpful too or any Cross domain scripts .

Note: my local machine is on PSv3 and remote BizTalk server is on v2.


  • I would use the BizTalk PowerShell Provider for this task. The BizTalk 2010 version ( works with PowerShell 2. If you are in the possibility of using it, you can simply use the following commands to get the status of your host instances:

    cd BizTalk:
    Set-Location '..\Platform Settings\Host Instances'

    Sample output:

    Path: BizTalk:\Platform Settings\Host Instances
    Name                Host Name           Windows Group       Running Server      Host Type           Service State
    ----                ---------           -------------       --------------      ---------           -------------
    Microsoft BizTal... BizTalkServerApp... LABO\BizTalk App... JM-BT1              InProcess           Running
    Microsoft BizTal... BizTalkServerIso... LABO\BizTalk Iso... JM-BT1              Isolated            NotApplicable
    Microsoft BizTal... ReceiveHost         LABO\BizTalk App... JM-BT1              InProcess           Running
    Microsoft BizTal... SendHost            LABO\BizTalk App... JM-BT1              InProcess           Running
    Microsoft BizTal... ProcessHost         LABO\BizTalk App... JM-BT1              InProcess           StopPending
    Microsoft BizTal... TrackingHost        LABO\BizTalk App... JM-BT1              InProcess           Running