Could someone please show me how to write the logic from this logic circuit?
Following you guys' explanation, I have these results, am I right:
The question is which one of a, b, c, d produces the same ouput as the first circuit. I don't see any similar results here, please illuminate me !
If you give names to the intermediate terms, e.g. S and T, where S is the output of the AND gate and T is the output of the inverter (NOT gate), then you can break it down as follows:
X = S | T ; final OR gate
S = A & B ; output of AND gate
T = ~B ; output of inverter (NOT gate)
X = (A & B) | ~B ; substitute above
Note that this is a poor example as the expression can be reduced to:
X = ~(~A & B)
which can be implemented with just two gates (a NAND and a NOT), or
X = A | ~B
which can also be implemented with two gates (an OR and a NOT).