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Any way to run events after clicking stop debugging button ? c# WPF

It is possible to capture on close or on error and run the code that we want.

However still i am at the developing phase and will be a lot more time, i am running application as debugging mode (clicking F5 button)

And also terminating application with stop debugging (shift F5)

When i terminate application with stop debugging the on close events are not firing (the ones that fire when you close application with clicking X mark on right top)

So are there any way to make application run on stop debugging button click ?

Here below my on close function - inside MainWindow.xaml.cs

AppDomain currentDomain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain;
Closing += new CancelEventHandler(CloseCrashHandlers.CloseHander);

Thank you very much for answers

Visual Studio 2013 V3


  • The only way to execute some custom code (or to 'make an application run' as you state in your question) when you hit the shift+F5 combination to stop debugging an application running under debugger is to create a Visual Studio extension (or addin) that hooks next visual studio extensibility event:

    EnvDTE.DebuggerEvents _dteDebuggerEvents;
    _dteDebuggerEvents = VsObject.DTE.Events.DebuggerEvents;
    _dteDebuggerEvents.OnEnterDesignMode += _dteDebuggerEvents_OnEnterDesignMode;
    _dteDebuggerEvents.OnContextChanged += _dteDebuggerEvents_OnContextChanged;
    void _dteDebuggerEvents_OnEnterDesignMode(dbgEventReason Reason)
       switch (Reason)
           case dbgEventReason.dbgEventReasonStopDebugging:
                 // do whatever you need here

    Note: You won't be able to execute any code from your own running app using above handler.