I have a problem when trying to validate text upon entry of text, I have a hint that a user should follow 'GXW-999' is an example, this is my code:
`public final static String[] PATTERNS = {"[A-Z]{1}" , "[A-Z]{2}" , "[A-Z]{3}" , "[A-Z]{3}-", "[A-Z]{3}-[0-9]{1}", "[A-Z]{3}-[0-9]{2}", "[A-Z]{3}-[0-9]{3}" };`
` mTextPreference.getEditText().setHint("GXW-999");
mTextPreference.getEditText().addTextChangedListener(new AfterTextChanged(etext){
public void validate(EditText v, Editable s) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Log.i(TAG, "after text change " + s.toString());
String text = s.toString();
int length = text.length();
if(length <= 0) return;
if(!Pattern.matches(PATTERNS[length - 1], text)){
text = s.delete(length - 1, length).toString();
My abstract textwatcher
`private abstract class AfterTextChanged implements TextWatcher{
private EditText v;
public AfterTextChanged(EditText v){
this.v = v;
public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
validate(v , s);
public abstract void validate(EditText v , Editable s);
public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count,
int after) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before,
int count) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
The problem im getting at is when typing the last number 999
and if i exceed to 1 more number 9999
im getting an error whilst the GXW
if i exceed it to 1 more character it wont have any error.
I hope my question is concise and easy to understand. I beg of help because im actually dont know other ways around after i have read this and it said you cant get the ok button in EditTExtPreference.
If this wont work , is there any other work around?
lol im a noob, i got it.. just change my
public void validate(EditText v, Editable s) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Log.i(TAG, "after text change " + s.toString());
String text = s.toString();
int length = text.length();
if(length <= 0) return;
if(!Pattern.matches(PATTERNS[length - 1], text)){
text = s.delete(length - 1, length).toString();
public void validate(EditText v, Editable s) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Log.i(TAG, "after text change " + s.toString());
String text = s.toString();
int length = text.length();
if(length <= 0) return;
int max_length = Math.min(length - 1, PATTERNS.length - 1);
if(!Pattern.matches(PATTERNS[max_length], text)){
text = s.delete(length - 1, length).toString();
Log.i(TAG, "the text " + text);
and its working..