I am using radio field, and I would like the default value to be rendered as (.) instead of ( ) . I tried straightforward approach:
choice_switcher = RadioField('Choice?', [validators.Required()], choices=[('choice1', 'Choice One'),('choice2', 'Choice Two')], default='choice1')
It didn't work. It renders two choices as:
( ) Choice One
( ) Choice Two
Whereas I'd like to see this:
(.) Choice one
( ) Choice Two
Works alright for me:
from flask import Flask, render_template
from flask_wtf import Form
from wtforms import validators, RadioField
app = Flask(__name__)
app.secret_key = 'TEST'
class TestForm(Form):
choice_switcher = RadioField(
choices=[('choice1', 'Choice One'), ('choice2', 'Choice Two')], default='choice1'
def hello_world():
testform = TestForm()
return render_template('test_form.html', form=testform)
if __name__ == '__main__':
{{ form.choice_switcher() }}
<ul id="choice_switcher">
<li><input checked id="choice_switcher-0" name="choice_switcher" type="radio" value="choice1"> <label
for="choice_switcher-0">Choice One</label></li>
<li><input id="choice_switcher-1" name="choice_switcher" type="radio" value="choice2"> <label
for="choice_switcher-1">Choice Two</label></li>