A rails 2.3.10 is being migrated to rails 3.2.18. It revolves entirely around full text indexing. The rails 2 version was running on postgresql 9.0.4, while the migrated version is running on 9.3.5
Data tables are ported over to the new rails 3 versions without errors. I do have a couple of models which need some ironing out, but are NOT objects related to this question/cases.
rake ts:configure
generates the sphinx.conf file. It looks slightly different from a native rails3 sphinx/thinking-sphinx app.
source filodiretto_core_0
type = pgsql
sql_host = localhost
sql_user = jerdvo
sql_pass =
sql_db = fna_development
sql_query_pre = SET TIME ZONE UTC
sql_query = SELECT "filodirettos"."id" * 24 + 0 AS "id", "filodirettos"."titolo" AS "titolo", "filodirettos"."domanda" AS "domanda", "filodirettos"."data" AS "data", "filodirettos"."risposta" AS "risposta", "filodirettos"."id" AS "sphinx_internal_id", 'Filodiretto' AS "sphinx_internal_class", 0 AS "sphinx_deleted" FROM "filodirettos" WHERE ("filodirettos"."id" BETWEEN $start AND $end) GROUP BY "filodirettos"."id", "filodirettos"."titolo", "filodirettos"."domanda", "filodirettos"."data", "filodirettos"."risposta", "filodirettos"."id"
sql_query_range = SELECT COALESCE(MIN("filodirettos"."id"), 1), COALESCE(MAX("filodirettos"."id"), 1) FROM "filodirettos"
sql_attr_uint = sphinx_internal_id
sql_attr_uint = sphinx_deleted
sql_attr_string = sphinx_internal_class
sql_query_info = SELECT "filodirettos".* FROM "filodirettos" WHERE ("filodirettos"."id" = ($id - 0) / 24)
index filodiretto_core
type = plain
path = /Users/jerdvo/r/fna/shared/sphinx/filodiretto_core
docinfo = extern
charset_type = utf-8
min_infix_len = 2
enable_star = 1
source = filodiretto_core_0
However when I launch
rake ts:index
all indices are failing
indexing index 'filodiretto_core'...
ERROR: source 'filodiretto_core_0': unknown type 'pgsql'; skipping.
ERROR: index 'filodiretto_core': failed to configure some of the sources, will not index.
[...] skipping non-plain index 'filodiretto'...
The relative '_index.rb' file states
ThinkingSphinx::Index.define :filodiretto, :with => :active_record do
indexes titolo
indexes domanda
indexes data
indexes risposta
I've confronted a pg_dump file with a native rails3 app. The only difference is at the top of the file, the version coming from rails 2 (and postgres 9.0.4) states (at the beginning)
-- Name: crc32(text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: jerdvo
CREATE FUNCTION crc32(word text) RETURNS bigint
AS $$
DECLARE tmp bigint;
DECLARE i int;
DECLARE j int;
DECLARE byte_length int;
DECLARE word_array bytea;
I don't know where this 'pgsql' error is coming from.
It looks like your copy of Sphinx was not installed with PostgreSQL support. You should re-install it with the appropriate flag - either --with-pgsql
if compiling manually, or --pgsql
when installing by Homebrew. MySQL support is also required as well, but that may already be applied automatically?