I just started using PhpStorm, and I've noticed when I look into my vendor
directory (managed by Composer), I see the background colour is a light yellow and unreadable with my current theme. It like this in all the directories within the vendor
This color usually means that such files are not part of the project itself.
In you case this means that the folder is excluded and then re-added back to the project as External Library (via PHP | Inlude paths
functionality) -- this way you do not see ToDos from them in your ToDo list; your own code refactoring does not affect/mess up with libraries and other stuff like that.
You can edit colors at Settings/Preferences | Appearance & Behavior | File Colors
That particular color belongs to "Non-Project Files" scope.
Few options here.
Change color of that scope entry (by double clicking on it) to any other that would fit your color scheme better.
Disable highlighting files in Project View using background colors by unchecking the Use in Project View
Use another GUI Theme that already provides more suitable/right colors.