Search code examples

Rails smart_listing configuration

I'm trying to setup the smart_listing gem in my app. Where and how can I configure the default per page number of pagination results. In the docs of smart_listing is mentioned that it uses kaminari.


  • If you don't already have a config/initializers/kaminari_config.rb file, run Kaminari's config generator:

    bundle exec rails generate kaminari:config

    This will create config/initializers/kaminari_config.rb with the default content:

    Kaminari.configure do |config|
      # config.default_per_page = 25
      # config.max_per_page = nil
      # config.window = 4
      # config.outer_window = 0
      # config.left = 0
      # config.right = 0
      # config.page_method_name = :page
      # config.param_name = :page

    Simply uncomment and edit the configuration options you are interested in changing.


    SmartListing provides it's own configuration options for pagination in config/initializers/smart_listing.rb:

    SmartListing.configure do |config|
        #:param_names  => {                                              # param names
          #:page                         => :page,
          #:per_page                     => :per_page,
          #:sort                         => :sort,
        #:array                          => false,                       # controls whether smart list should be using arrays or AR collections
        #:max_count                      => nil,                         # limit number of rows
        #:unlimited_per_page             => false,                       # allow infinite page size
        #:paginate                       => true,                        # allow pagination
        #:memorize_per_page              => false,                       # save per page settings in the cookie
        #:page_sizes                     => DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZES,          # set available page sizes array
        #:kaminari_options               => {:theme => "smart_listing"}, # Kaminari's paginate helper options
      config.constants :classes, {
        #:main                  => "smart-listing",
        #:editable              => "editable",
        #:content               => "content",
        #:loading               => "loading",
        #:status                => "smart-listing-status",
        #:item_actions          => "actions",
        #:new_item_placeholder  => "new-item-placeholder",
        #:new_item_action       => "new-item-action",
        #:new_item_button       => "btn",
        #:hidden                => "hidden",
        #:autoselect            => "autoselect",
        #:callback              => "callback",
        #:pagination_per_page   => "pagination-per-page text-center",
        #:pagination_count      => "count",
        #:inline_editing        => "info",
        #:no_records            => "no-records",
        #:limit                 => "smart-listing-limit",
        #:limit_alert           => "smart-listing-limit-alert",
        #:controls              => "smart-listing-controls",
        #:controls_reset        => "reset",
        #:filtering             => "filter",
        #:filtering_search      => "glyphicon-search",
        #:filtering_cancel      => "glyphicon-remove",
        #:filtering_disabled    => "disabled",
        #:sortable              => "sortable",
        #:icon_new              => "glyphicon glyphicon-plus",
        #:icon_edit             => "glyphicon glyphicon-pencil",
        #:icon_trash            => "glyphicon glyphicon-trash",
        #:icon_inactive         => "glyphicon glyphicon-circle",
        #:icon_show             => "glyphicon glyphicon-share-alt",
        #:icon_sort_none        => "glyphicon glyphicon-resize-vertical",
        #:icon_sort_up          => "glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-up",
        #:icon_sort_down        => "glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down",
      config.constants :data_attributes, {
        #:main                  => "smart-listing",
        #:confirmation          => "confirmation",
        #:id                    => "id",
        #:href                  => "href",
        #:callback_href         => "callback-href",
        #:max_count             => "max-count",
        #:inline_edit_backup    => "smart-listing-edit-backup",
        #:params                => "params",
        #:observed              => "observed",
        #:href                  => "href",
        #:autoshow              => "autoshow",
        #:popover               => "slpopover",
      config.constants :selectors, {
        #:item_action_destroy   => "a.destroy",
        #:edit_cancel           => "button.cancel",
        #:row                   => "tr",
        #:head                  => "thead",
        #:filtering_icon        => "i"

    Uncomment the page_sizes line and replace DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZES with an array like [10, 20, 50, 100]