I am currently trying to create a regex that strips unecessary quotation marks from HTML tags. The regex will be used in PHP code.
<input type="image" src="/flags/en.png" alt="English" title="English" name="en" class="screen selected" />
converts to
<input type=image src="/flags/en.png" alt=English title=English name=en class="screen selected" />
I have come up with this regex and replacement:
The problem is that the positive lookbehind does not allow quantifiers (See http://regex101.com/ as a reference.).
So I thought I modify the pattern a little bit like this:
Now it's valid but it only strips one set of quotes from each tag.
How do I acomplish this?
Try the following:
$pattern = '/(<(?:[^>]+?\s)?)([\w-]+=)"([\w-]+)"((?:\s[^>]+)?>)/';
$replacement = '$1$2$3$4';
$subject = '<input type="image" src="/flags/en.png" alt="English" title="English" name="en" class="screen selected" />';
while(preg_match($pattern, $subject)){
$subject = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $subject);