I'm trying to persist text that is input from some user into a db, how would I encode these values? I'm a n00b in C/C++ and am having trouble with my google fu skills..
I'm using libpqxx and trying to do something like
std::string sql = "insert into chat values (nextval('chat_seq'), '" + userInput + "');";
but when userInput is something like
I'm doing just fine
My insertion will fail. Thanks for your help.
As mentioned in the comments, look up SQL injection, there is a ton of resource on it.
https://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection_Prevention_Cheat_Sheet http://www.veracode.com/security/sql-injection
A good start would be to identify the characters that cause injection and escape them or remove/replace the characters.
make sure userInput is a string and you have access to all the useful std string bits to do string maniupulation such as substr, replacement etc.