I have a long series of calls like:
I have only read priveleges to the database and invision writing the ouptut from the statement above to a common location on all computers that I might read from later (using VBA).
I've found UTL_FILE packages that Oracle seems to support but I am having trouble understanding how to get it to do what I want.
Could someone provide me with a simple example of how I could use the put_line
method and UTL_FILE
packsage in tandem to write to a common location such as the desktop of a computer?
Spooling is a SQL*Plus feature one can perform on your desktop without invoking the UTL_FILE database package. Toad (utilizing the SQL*Plus feature) can do this as well.
As Justin Cave commented, UTL_FILE is an Oracle database package intended for reading and writing to the database server (e.g. 11g documentation http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B28359_01/appdev.111/b28419/u_file.htm#BABGGEDF).
Spooling is documented here for SQL*Plus (associated with the Oracle 11g database http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E11882_01/server.112/e27507/sqlplus.htm#DFSUG144 section 3.1.7).
You could select 'Run as a script' in TOAD as follows:
set serveroutput on
spool c:\temp.lst
dbms_output.put_line('My text');
spool off
Spooling is a client side feature (SQL*Plus), thus if one wanted to have invocations to dbms_output within a procedure (below, I call it my_procedure), I would just create a sql script that drives the procedure.
One could make this the contents of a sql script (e.g. test_dbms_output.sql):
SET serveroutput ON
spool c:\temp.lst
spool OFF
Then, one just can invoke this script with the SQL*Plus run command (or 'Run as a script' in Toad):
run test_dbms_output.sql;