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offsetWidth or CSS expression problem for IE6

I need to set the width of textboxes as 80% of it's parent. So first I used

td input[type="text"]
    width: 80%;

But it was not rendering properly if the input is the child of td. So, I used Css expressions

td input[type="text"]
    width: expression(this.parentNode.offsetWidth*0.8);

It is working as I wanted in every browser except IE 6. Can anybody help me, where I am going wrong? I know that expressions are allowed in IE 6. So, is it the problem of using css expression or something to do offsetWidth.

Thanks in advance.


  • td input[type="text"]

    Attribute selectors don't work in IE6. If you want to support this browser, add a class="text" and style on td input.text.

    You shouldn't need anything complex with scripts, jQuery or expressions.