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Grails domain validate keeps returning false positives for unit test

What I want: when I call validate (or save) on a parent domain during a unit test, it will check the constraints of all children domains AND their children AND their children etc.

What is happening: during a unit test for a service, validate keeps returning true despite constraints not being met for children domains. Please help...


  • I had two change two things about my code: 1) I had to make sure all domains were mocked for the unit test. 2) I had to make sure each child domain's back reference to the parent was populated. obj.addToSomeProperty(property) automatically populated back references for one-to-many objects, but for one-to-one I had to set it manually.

    Service Unit Test:

    @Mock([Orchard, Plot, Tree, Fruit])
    class GardenerServiceSpec extends Specification {
        void "test save and fetch"() {
            Fruit fruit = new Fruit(name:"Peach")
            Tree tree = new Tree(height:6)
            Plot plot = new Plot(litersOfWaterAdded:10)
            plot.tree = tree  // Must be a better way... why didn't setTree(tree) 
            tree.plot = plot  //   set the back reference
            Orchard orchard = new Orchard(orchardName:"Eden")
            Fruit.findByName("Peach") == "Eden"
            Tree.findByHeight(6).plot.litersOfWaterAdded == 10


    class Orchard {
        String orchardName
        static hasMany = [plots: Plot]
    class Plot{
        static belongsTo = [orchard: Orchard]
        int litersOfWaterAdded
        static hasOne = [tree: Tree]
    class Tree {
        static belongsTo = [plot: Plot]
        int height
        static hasMany = [fruits: Fruit]
    class Fruit {
        static belongsTo = [tree: Tree]
        String name
        String description
        static constraints = { description nullable: true }