I want to be able to run
env `WINEPREFIX="/home/$(whoami)/.callix-wine" WINEARCH="win32" wine "wineboot"`
without having the little window pop up (turn the GUI off):
Is there some sort of argument that I can pass or some sort of variable to use in order to do this? Also, will this argument or variable work with all bash commands?
I want this window to be off in order to install wine with no fuss in a makefile. Also, I did look up everything I could think of to do this, but I don't know where to start or if it is even possible. Thank you.
I have a file called wine-setup.sh
# Make a new WINEPREFIX in the user's home directory entitled ".wine"
env `WINEPREFIX="/home/$(whoami)/.wine" WINEARCH="win32" wine "wineboot"`
Run the file with xvfb-run ./wine-setup.sh
... and no window appears!