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NSScrollView doesn't scroll when adding NSSegmentedControl

I have an empty NSScrollView created with Interface Builder.

And in my code I add, upon a user click, a NSSegmentedControl. For all the next clicks, I add a segment to it.

My problem is that, once I reach the visual limit of NSScrollView, it doesn't start to scroll and all the post-limit segments are never shown.

This is the NSScrollView from Interface Builder :

enter image description here

And here is the method :

- (IBAction)addSegment:(id)sender
    if (segCtrlColumns == nil) {
        segCtrlColumns = [[NSSegmentedControl alloc] initWithFrame:[self.viewColumns frame]]; //self.viewColumns is the NSScrollView from IBOutlet
        [segCtrlColumns setSegmentCount:1];
        [segCtrlColumns setLabel:@"Test" forSegment:0];
        [segCtrlColumns setTarget:self];
    } else {
        double increaseSegments = [segCtrlColumns segmentCount]+1;
        [segCtrlColumns setSegmentCount:increaseSegments];
        [segCtrlColumns setLabel:@"Test" forSegment:increaseSegments-1];
    [self.viewColumns setDocumentView:segCtrlColumns];

And here is the problem :

enter image description here

(Well it is more likely "nothing to scroll" than "not scrollable")


  • Okay, I did a few tests and the problem is not the nsscrollview but the nssegmentedcontrol. It doesn't update its frame size at all. So it is stuck at the width I set in the initWithFrame - which was the size of the scrollView. (And this is why NSScrollView never started to scroll)

    I never found an easy way on how to get the real size (updated size) of NSSegmentedControl as more segments are added, so I did this trick :

    • I forced all my segments to be at the same size (100 points width)
    • As I append segments, I update the NSSegmentedControl's frame by an other 100 points

    here is the code :

        if (segCtrlColumns == nil) {
            //Init with a single segment with 100 points (pixels) width
            segCtrlColumns = [[NSSegmentedControl alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 100.0, 30.0)];
            [segCtrlColumns setSegmentCount:1];
            [segCtrlColumns setWidth:96.0 forSegment:0]; //The segment has some borders to concider in its size
            [segCtrlColumns setLabel:@"Testing" forSegment:0];
            [segCtrlColumns setTarget:self];
            //Tell the scrollview, the documentView is my segmented control
            [self.viewColumns setDocumentView:segCtrlColumns];
        } else {
            //Add a segment and update the frame size
            double increaseSegments = [segCtrlColumns segmentCount]+1;
            [segCtrlColumns setFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, segCtrlColumns.frame.size.width+100.0, 30.0)];
            [segCtrlColumns setSegmentCount:increaseSegments];
            [segCtrlColumns setWidth:96.0 forSegment:increaseSegments-1];
            [segCtrlColumns setLabel:@"Testing" forSegment:increaseSegments-1];

    The only problem here is that all the segments are at the same size and not dynamic...