Proving a simple theorem I came across meta-level implications in the proof. Is it OK to have them or could they be avoided? If I should handle them, is this the right way to do so?
theory Sandbox
imports Main
lemma "(x::nat) > 0 ∨ x = 0"
proof (cases x)
assume "x = 0"
show "0 < x ∨ x = 0" by (auto)
have "x = Suc n ⟹ 0 < x" by (simp only: Nat.zero_less_Suc)
then have "x = Suc n ⟹ 0 < x ∨ x = 0" by (auto)
then show "⋀nat. x = Suc nat ⟹ 0 < x ∨ x = 0" by (auto)
I guess this could be proved more easily but I wanted to have a structured proof.
In principle meta-implication ==>
is nothing to be avoided (in fact its the "native" way to express inference rules in Isabelle). There is a canonical way that often allows us to avoid meta-implication when writing Isar proofs. E.g., for a general goal
"!!x. A ==> B"
we can write in Isar
fix x
assume "A"
show "B"
For your specific example, when looking at it in Isabelle/jEdit you might notice that
the n
of the second case is highlighted. The reason is that it is a free variable. While this is not a problem per se, it is more canonical to fix such variables locally (like the typical statement "for an arbitrary but fixed ..." in textbooks). E.g.,
fix n
assume "x = Suc n"
then have "0 < x" by (simp only: Nat.zero_less_Suc)
then show "0 < x ∨ x = 0" ..
Here it can again be seen how fix
in Isar corresponds to the actual goal, i.e.,
1. ⋀nat. x = Suc nat ⟹ 0 < x ∨ x = 0