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Apache Cordova CordovaActivity cannot be resolved

I have a similar problem to this:

CordovaActivity cannot be resolved to a type in Phonegap 3.4.

Means, in the main class, CordovaActivity cannot be resolved to a type.

However, I downloaded Cordova Android Zip from here (as explained in the comments):

And included cordova-2.2.0.jar from ./lib/android to my build path.

The line:

import org.apache.cordova

works fine now, but still, it does not find any class called CordovaActivity for extension.

Which I prove by:

grep -r "CordovaActivity" *

on the unpacked cordova-2.2.0.jar folder.

What is wrong here?

enter image description here

besides that, there seems to be a package problem: the main java file is located in ./src/com/testapp/test2, in line 20 it says after I call cordova -d build:

package com.testapp.test;

with a red underline, that only disappears after I add src. before com.testsapp.test2. However, that gets crushed with every time I call cordova -d build. If I correct the path in the config.xml from

<widget id="com.testapp.test2" version="0.0.1" xmlns="" xmlns:cdv="">


<widget id="" version="0.0.1" xmlns="" xmlns:cdv="">

I will have a new package in my package explorer:, having the same problem.

That seems really weird.


  • I found this one in the web. It helped me: