I've installed pbs-drmaa library, but I get an error while running a C program.
Here's the compilation, I've used -L and -I to indicate the proper folders for pbs-drmaa files. As it shows, there's no compilation error:
$ gcc teste_drmaa1.c -L /usr/lib/pbs-drmaa/lib -I /usr/lib/pbs-drmaa/include -ldrmaa -o teste_drmaa1
But when I try to run, I get an error:
./teste_drmaa1: error while loading shared libraries: libdrmaa.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
But the file exists in the path given for -L:
ls /usr/lib/pbs-drmaa/lib
libdrmaa.so@ libdrmaa.so.1@ libdrmaa.so.1.0.10
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.
Solved running ldconfig.
Now compilation is:
gcc teste_drmaa1.c -ldrmaa -o teste_drmaa1