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Unable to use NERDCommenter with vundle

I am using vim The-NERD-Commenter plugin along with vundle. But I am not able to get the plugin to work.

I have my leader ley mapped to ,. When I run the :scriptnames command I see that ~\vimfiles\bundle\The-NERD-Commenter\plugin\NERD_commenter.vim is listed in the output. I am also able to bring up help for NERDCommenter using :help NERDCommenter command which tells me that the plugin is installed correctly. But when I try to toggle a comment using <leader>c<space> which translates in my case to ,c it invokes the change command instead.

I have my .vimrc file here


It looks like if I remove the leader key mapping from my .vimrc file then the plugin starts working with the default leader key \.

Please let me know what am I doing wrong.

Thanks, Amrish


  • You are installing the plugin twice (lines 15, 29):

    Plugin 'The-NERD-Commenter'
    Plugin ''

    From scanning the README, the scrooloose version doesn't seem to support the c shortcut, so it may be doing some blocking. Reread the documentations and choose one of the two. Post back if your problem isn't solved by one of those two actions.

    UPDATE: Okay, digging deeper. The plugin's .vim code runs the following line:

    let leader = exists('g:mapleader') ? g:mapleader : '\'

    In your vim try running

    :echo exists('g:mapleader')
    :echo 'g:mapleader'

    If the mapleader exists and spits back , as expected, then we need to look for unexpected/buggy code in the plugin. If it doesn't exist or isn't , as you expect, then we know what needs to be fixed.