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Is there a way to specify the wait time of retrying a message?

Is there a way to specify the wait time of retrying a message for a particular exception?

E.g. If object is in SomethingInProgress status, throws an SomethignInProgressException and I want to the message to be retry after 40m. Or is it more appropriate to raise a SomethingInProgressEvent and use bus.defer?


  • This is part of the reason why Rebus does not have the concept of second-level retries - I've simply not seen any way that this function could be created in a way that was generic and still flexible enough.

    To answer your question shortly: No, there's no (built-in) way of varying the time between retries for a particular exception. In fact, there's no way to configure a wait time between retries at all - failing messages will be retried as fast as possibly, and then moved to the error queue if they keep failing to avoid "clogging up the pipes".

    In your case, I suggest you do something like this:

    public void Handle(MyMessage message) {
        var headers = MessageContext.GetCurrent().Headers;
        var deliveryAttempt = headers.ContainsKey("attempt_no") 
            ? Convert.ToInt(headers["attempt_no"]) 
            : 0;
        try {
        } catch(OneKindOfException e) {
            if (deliveryAttempt > 5) {
            bus.AttachHeader(message, "attempt_no", deliveryAttempt + 1);
            bus.Defer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20), message);
        } catch(AnotherKindOfException e) {
            if (deliveryAttempt > 5) {
            bus.AttachHeader(message, "attempt_no", deliveryAttempt + 1);
            bus.Defer(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2), message);

    which I just wrote off the top of my head without being 100% certain that it actually compiles ... but the gist of it is that we track how many delivery attempts we've made in a custom header on the message, bus.Deferring the message an appropriate time span for each failed delivery attempt, immediately forwarding the message to the error queue when our max # of delivery attempts has been exceeded.

    I hope that makes sense :)