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Dynamically retrieve array from another array and push it to another associative array as key value pair

I'm getting results from an api call.

I'm storing it in an array $phone_nums. The structure of array is like this:


    array (size=2)
      0 => 
        array (size=4)
          'is_error' => int 0
          'version' => int 3
          'count' => int 3
          'values' => 
            array (size=3)
              0 => 
                array (size=4)
                  "id"            ="1"
                  'contact_id'    = "207"
                  'phone'         = "8888888888"
                  'phone_id_type' = "2"
              1 => 
                array (size=4)

                  "id"            ="2"
                  'contact_id'    = "207"
                  'phone'         = "8475895894"
                  'phone_id_type' = "2"
              2 => 
                array (size=4)
                  "id"            ="2"
                  'contact_id'    = "207"
                  'phone'         = "48948594894"
                  'phone_id_type' = "2"

      1 => 
        array (size=5)
          'is_error' => int 0
          'version' => int 3
          'count' => int 1
          'id' => int 160
          'values' => 
            array (size=1)
              0 => 
                array (size=4)
                  "id"            ="1"
                  'contact_id'    = "207"
                  'phone'         = "48948594894"
                  'phone_id_type' = "2"

Now I have to fetch phone number, type from this array and add to a new associative array $ph_maps with key being contact_id and map corresponding ph numbers to it something like this.

$ph_maps = ("207"=>array(48782387489,4874843899,90483499908), 208=>array(789732187,38983298,938938)

Here is my code. there is some problem with it.

for ($i=0; $i < count($phone_nums); $i++) { 
    for ($j=0; $j < $phone_nums[$i]['count']; $j++) {
        $ph_maps = array();
        $ph_maps[$phone_nums["values"][$i]["contact_id"]] = array($phone_nums[$i]['values'][$j]['phone']);


  • 1 - You're resetting a new array each time in your loops with $ph_maps = array();, erasing the previous entries. You current result is probably an array with a single contact_id / phone entry. Put it outside of the loops.

    2 - In your second loop, you're not adding a new entry to your array for each contact_id, but setting a new unique one. You've to add [] to force a new entry to be made.

    3 - You're adding a new array for each phone number, while in your desired output you seems to simply want the value, so you should remove the = array(...).

    4 - You contact_id key wasn't correct : use $phone_nums[$i]["values"][$j]["contact_id"] instead of $phone_nums["values"][$i]["contact_id"]

    $ph_maps = array();
    for ($i=0; $i < count($phone_nums); $i++) { 
        for ($j=0; $j < $phone_nums[$i]['count']; $j++) { 
            $ph_maps[$phone_nums[$i]["values"][$j]["contact_id"]][] = $phone_nums[$i]['values'][$j]['phone'];