I have a table containing records of machine movements between multiple locations.
As I only show the latest of them in a list, i have read only the data rows with the latest record date per machine until now in sql.
Select *
From records
(Select max(processdate) as maxDate, machinetag, machineno
from records
group by machinetag, machineno ) as lrcd
on records.machineTag = lrcd.machineTag and records.machineno = lrcd.machineno
and records.processDate = lrcd.maxDate
I have read many posts but I did not find any solution.
How can I implement this scenario with queryover?
Thany you very much in advance. Sascha
Now I can offer a (probably) working solution:
Dim r As Record = Nothing
Dim subquery = QueryOver.Of(Of Record)() _
.Where(Function(rec) rec.R_MachineTag = r.R_MachineTag) _
.And(Function(rec) rec.R_MachineNo = r.R_MachineNo) _
.Select(Projections.Max(Of Record)(Function(rec) rec.R_ProcessDate)).Take(1)
Dim query = session.QueryOver(Function() r) _
.WithSubquery.WhereProperty(Function(rec) rec.R_ProcessDate).Eq(subquery) _
Thanks to cbp for giving me the hint ;)