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Access 2010 Audit Trail on SubForms

I am having trouble getting the code I found for an audit trail to work with sub forms. The origninal code is from I would rather stick to this code than using Allen Browne's code It seems to be a problem with Screen.ActiveForm.Controls. I have read that this does not work with sub forms. Is there a way I can alter this to audit a sub form in my database?

When I record the data in the sub form, I get the following error: Microsoft can't find the field "CalSubID" referred to in your expression."

In a module I have this code (this is just part of it that I think is having issues):

Sub AuditChanges(IDField As String, UserAction As String)
On Error GoTo AuditChanges_Err
Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
Dim ctl As Control
Dim datTimeCheck As Date
Dim strUserID As String
Set cnn = CurrentProject.Connection
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
rst.Open "SELECT * FROM tblAuditTrail", cnn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
datTimeCheck = Now()
strUserID = Forms!Login!cboUser.Column(1)
Select Case UserAction
    Case "EDIT"
        For Each ctl In Screen.ActiveForm.Controls
            If ctl.Tag = "Audit" Then
                If Nz(ctl.Value) <> Nz(ctl.OldValue) Then
                    With rst
                        ![DateTime] = datTimeCheck
                        ![UserName] = strUserID
                        ![FormName] = Screen.ActiveForm.Name
                        ![Action] = UserAction
                        ![RecordID] = Screen.ActiveForm.Controls(IDField).Value
                        ![FieldName] = ctl.ControlSource
                        ![OldValue] = ctl.OldValue
                        ![NewValue] = ctl.Value
                    End With
                End If
            End If
        Next ctl
    Case Else
        With rst
            ![DateTime] = datTimeCheck
            ![UserName] = strUserID
            ![FormName] = Screen.ActiveForm.Name
            ![Action] = UserAction
            ![RecordID] = Screen.ActiveForm.Controls(IDField).Value
        End With
End Select
On Error Resume Next
Set rst = Nothing
Set cnn = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, "ERROR!"
Resume AuditChanges_Exit
End Sub

Then in my "before update" and "AfterDelConfirm" events for the subform I have (where "CalSubID" is the PK for the subform and this is what the main module code uses to track the changes):

Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If Me.NewRecord Then
    Call AuditChanges("CalSubID", "NEW")
    Call AuditChanges("CalSubID", "EDIT")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_AfterDelConfirm(Status As Integer)
If Status = acDeleteOK Then Call AuditChanges("CalSubID", "DELETE")
End Sub

Modified Code:

Sub AuditChanges(IDField As String, UserAction As String)
On Error GoTo AuditChanges_Err
Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
Dim ctl As Control
Dim datTimeCheck As Date
Dim strUserID As String

'added code
Dim SubFormName As String

Set cnn = CurrentProject.Connection
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
rst.Open "SELECT * FROM tblAuditTrail", cnn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
datTimeCheck = Now()
strUserID = Forms!Login!cboUser.Column(1)

'msgbox to display name (just for now to test code)
MsgBox (" " & Screen.ActiveForm.Name & " ")

'IF THEN statement to check if user is using form with subform
If Screen.ActiveForm.Name = "Cal Form" Then
SubFormName = "Cal Form Sub"

    Select Case UserAction
    Case "EDIT"
        For Each ctl In Screen.ActiveForm
            If ctl.ControlType = acSubform Then
            SubFormName = ctl.Name
            If ctl.Tag = "Audit" Then
                If Nz(ctl.Value) <> Nz(ctl.OldValue) Then
                    With rst
                        ![DateTime] = datTimeCheck
                        ![UserName] = strUserID
                        ![FormName] = SubFormName
                        ![Action] = UserAction
                        ![RecordID] = Forms![Screen.ActiveForm.Name]![SubFormName].Form![IDField].Value
                        ![FieldName] = ctl.ControlSource
                        ![OldValue] = ctl.OldValue
                        ![NewValue] = ctl.Value
                    End With
                End If
            End If
'Getting error message at the --Next ctl-- line below, "next without for" message....
        Next ctl
    Case Else
        With rst
            ![DateTime] = datTimeCheck
            ![UserName] = strUserID
            ![FormName] = SubFormName
            ![Action] = UserAction
            ![RecordID] = Forms![Screen.ActiveForm.Name]![SubFormName].Form![IDField].Value
        End With
        Set ctl = Nothing
End Select


Select Case UserAction
    Case "EDIT"
        For Each ctl In Screen.ActiveForm.Controls
            If ctl.Tag = "Audit" Then
                If Nz(ctl.Value) <> Nz(ctl.OldValue) Then
                    With rst
                        ![DateTime] = datTimeCheck
                        ![UserName] = strUserID
                        ![FormName] = Screen.ActiveForm.Name
                        ![Action] = UserAction
                        ![RecordID] = Screen.ActiveForm.Controls(IDField).Value
                        ![FieldName] = ctl.ControlSource
                        ![OldValue] = ctl.OldValue
                        ![NewValue] = ctl.Value
                    End With
                End If
            End If
        Next ctl
    Case Else
        With rst
            ![DateTime] = datTimeCheck
            ![UserName] = strUserID
            ![FormName] = Screen.ActiveForm.Name
            ![Action] = UserAction
            ![RecordID] = Screen.ActiveForm.Controls(IDField).Value
        End With
End Select

On Error Resume Next
Set rst = Nothing
Set cnn = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, "ERROR!"
Resume AuditChanges_Exit
End Sub


  • I'm presuming your error is with the line (it would help if you would verify):

    ![RecordID] = Screen.ActiveForm.Controls(IDField).Value

    The issue as you've stated is that you can't access subform controls this way but must reference in this manner:

    ![RecordID] = Forms![main form name]![subform control name].Form![control name].Value

    In your case, you need to first find the subform control name (presuming you only have 1 subform)

    ' Visit each control on the form
    Dim ctl As Control
    Dim SubFormName as string
    SubFormName = ""
    For Each ctl In Screen.ActiveForm
        If ctl.ControlType = acSubform Then
            SubFormName = ctl.Name
            exit for
        End If
    Next ctl
    Set ctl = Nothing

    Now in your code when setting RecordID, you can do it like this:

    ' you should check that SubFormName is not empty before this next line...
    ![RecordID] = Forms![Screen.ActiveForm.Name]![SubformName].Form![IDField].Value

    I have not tested this and I'm a bit rusty on Access, so take the concept and fix the syntax.

    ** UPDATE** - Here is the code I would try with the new information you have provided. I am presuming that the controls (e.g. the one with ctl.Tag = "Audit") are all on the subform

    Sub AuditChanges(IDField As String, UserAction As String)
    On Error GoTo AuditChanges_Err
    Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
    Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
    Dim ctl As Control
    Dim datTimeCheck As Date
    Dim strUserID As String
    'added code
    Dim SubFormName As String
    Set cnn = CurrentProject.Connection
    Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
    rst.Open "SELECT * FROM tblAuditTrail", cnn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
    datTimeCheck = Now()
    strUserID = Forms!Login!cboUser.Column(1)
    'msgbox to display name (just for now to test code)
    MsgBox (" " & Screen.ActiveForm.Name & " ")
    'IF THEN statement to check if user is using form with subform
    If Screen.ActiveForm.Name = "Cal Form" Then
      SubFormName = "Cal Form Sub"
        Select Case UserAction
        Case "EDIT"
            For Each ctl In Forms![Cal Form]![Cal Form Sub].Form
                If ctl.Tag = "Audit" Then
                    If Nz(ctl.Value) <> Nz(ctl.OldValue) Then
                        With rst
                            ![DateTime] = datTimeCheck
                            ![UserName] = strUserID
                            ![FormName] = SubFormName
                            ![Action] = UserAction
                            ![RecordID] = Forms![Cal Form]![Cal Form Sub].Form![IDField].Value
                            ![FieldName] = ctl.ControlSource
                            ![OldValue] = ctl.OldValue
                            ![NewValue] = ctl.Value
                        End With
                    End If
                End If
            Next ctl
        Case Else
            With rst
                ![DateTime] = datTimeCheck
                ![UserName] = strUserID
                ![FormName] = SubFormName
                ![Action] = UserAction
                ![RecordID] = Forms![Cal Form]![Cal Form Sub].Form![IDField].Value
            End With
            Set ctl = Nothing
        End Select
      Select Case UserAction
          Case "EDIT"
              For Each ctl In Screen.ActiveForm.Controls
                  If ctl.Tag = "Audit" Then
                      If Nz(ctl.Value) <> Nz(ctl.OldValue) Then
                          With rst
                              ![DateTime] = datTimeCheck
                              ![UserName] = strUserID
                              ![FormName] = Screen.ActiveForm.Name
                              ![Action] = UserAction
                              ![RecordID] = Screen.ActiveForm.Controls(IDField).Value
                              ![FieldName] = ctl.ControlSource
                              ![OldValue] = ctl.OldValue
                              ![NewValue] = ctl.Value
                          End With
                      End If
                  End If
              Next ctl
          Case Else
              With rst
                  ![DateTime] = datTimeCheck
                  ![UserName] = strUserID
                  ![FormName] = Screen.ActiveForm.Name
                  ![Action] = UserAction
                  ![RecordID] = Screen.ActiveForm.Controls(IDField).Value
              End With
      End Select
    End If
        On Error Resume Next
        Set rst = Nothing
        Set cnn = Nothing
        Exit Sub
        MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, "ERROR!"
        Resume AuditChanges_Exit
        End Sub