The following sql "select DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, 2, GETDATE()), '20:00:00') as A" runs perfectly fine in Microsoft sql query.
However in perl, it complains with the following error "Description: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Cursor type changed".
I double checked and my code can run select and update statements with no issues so I am a bit stumbled about the cursor error.
Note that I have not included my connection string but have illustrated that I am using win32::OLE.
use Win32::OLE;
$conn->{ConnectionString} = "...";
$conn->open; # open connection to the DB
$state = $conn ->state; #1 means connected
if($state ne "1"){...
$mssql_select = "select DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, 2, GETDATE()), '20:00:00')
as A";
$rs->Open( $mssql_select, $conn);
my $error_collection = $conn->Errors();
my $ecount = $error_collection->Count;
my ($is_message, $real_error_found);
foreach my $error (in $error_collection)
#output error statements
$is_message = ($error->{SQLState} eq "01000" && $error->{NativeError}==0);
$real_error_found=1 unless $is_message;
$status = "ERROR # " . $error->{Number}
. "\n Description: " . $error->{Description}
. "\nSource: " . $error->{Source} . "\n";
Results in "Description: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Cursor type changed".
Any brainstormnig ideas the group can provide would be appreciated.
I figured it out, see below
Solved it, turns out this is just a warning, sql server does not know what type of cursor will be returned, the results actually get returned. See