An external library uses
interface for some kind of output, and at the moment I use StringWriter
to buffer all output and then Ok(writer.toString)
. But I'd want to avoid buffering and to stream data supplied by Writer
How to craft a Play Enumerator
based on
You can implement your own writer that uses a Concurrent.Channel to push data to an enumerator, let's talk code:
class MyWriter extends{
var channel : Concurent.Channel
def write(x:Array[Char], s:Int, e:Int) = {
def close() = {
def flush() = {
// every time writer.write is used it will push data to the enumeratr
var writer = new YourWriter();
val enumerator:Enumerator[Array[Char]] = Concurrent.unicast[Array[Char]](channel => { = channel})