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store the recordings on s3 with mod_rayo and mod_http_cache on freeswitch

i'm trying to get my recordings stored on s3.

Here is my rayo.conf.xml:

<configuration name="rayo.conf">
    <param name="max-idle-sec" value="300"/>
  <domain name="localhost" shared-secret="itsasecret">
    <listen type="c2s" port="5222" address="" acl=""/>
    <users><user name="adhearsion" password="foo"/></users>

    <param name="record-file-prefix" value="{profile=s3}"/>


Here is my http_cache.conf.xml

<configuration name="http_cache.conf" description="HTTP GET cache">
    <!-- set to true if you want to enable http:// and https:// formats.  Do not use if mod_httapi is also loaded -->
    <param name="enable-file-formats" value="true"/>
    <param name="max-urls" value="10000"/>
    <param name="location" value="$${base_dir}/http_cache"/>
    <param name="default-max-age" value="86400"/>
    <param name="prefetch-thread-count" value="8"/>
    <param name="prefetch-queue-size" value="100"/>
    <!-- absolute path to CA bundle file -->
    <param name="ssl-cacert" value="$${base_dir}/conf/cacert.pem"/>
    <!-- verify certificates -->
    <param name="ssl-verifypeer" value="true"/>
    <!-- verify host name matches certificate -->
    <param name="ssl-verifyhost" value="true"/>
    <profile name='s3'>
          <domain name='' />

Here is the debug log:

2014-08-10 01:03:19.405172 [ERR] mod_http_cache.c:351 Received HTTP error 403 trying to save /usr/http_cache/64/6ee5dd-bb6d-49a4-96cc-34bd54ab9827.wav to

2014-08-10 01:03:19.405172 [ERR] mod_http_cache.c:351 Received HTTP error 403 trying to save /usr/http_cache/64/6ee5dd-bb6d-49a4-96cc-34bd54ab9827.wav to
[DEBUG] esl.c:1316 esl_recv_event() RECV HEADER [Content-Type] = [log/data]
[DEBUG] esl.c:1316 esl_recv_event() RECV HEADER [Content-Length] = [116]
[DEBUG] esl.c:1316 esl_recv_event() RECV HEADER [Log-Level] = [5]
[DEBUG] esl.c:1316 esl_recv_event() RECV HEADER [Text-Channel] = [3]
[DEBUG] esl.c:1316 esl_recv_event() RECV HEADER [Log-File] = [switch_core_session.c]
[DEBUG] esl.c:1316 esl_recv_event() RECV HEADER [Log-Func] = [switch_core_session_thread]
[DEBUG] esl.c:1316 esl_recv_event() RECV HEADER [Log-Line] = [1632]
[DEBUG] esl.c:1316 esl_recv_event() RECV HEADER [User-Data] = [b5ffe577-c8c1-48c5-847e-a330ddc7b6b9]
[DEBUG] esl.c:1480 esl_recv_event() RECV MESSAGE
Content-Type: log/data
Content-Length: 116
Log-Level: 5
Text-Channel: 3
Log-File: switch_core_session.c
Log-Func: switch_core_session_thread
Log-Line: 1632
User-Data: b5ffe577-c8c1-48c5-847e-a330ddc7b6b9
Content-Length: 116

2014-08-10 01:03:19.425141 [NOTICE] switch_core_session.c:1632 Session 2 (sofia/internal/[email protected]) Ended

I tried to point it to a local server and turns out the only params i get are is the name of the file: audio_file.wav. looks like it's not sending the file properly...

I double checked my credentials so i'm pretty sure that's not the issue. Also, the records directory is writable by world for now.


  • Two issues were found with this configuration:

    1. The virtual host URL was not parsed properly by FreeSWITCH.
    2. The whitespace around the S3 key configuration was not stripped.

    Master branch of FreeSWITCH has the fixes: see commits b60df39b96 and 3b45ef90a.

    Also- make sure you do not have mod_httapi loaded.